- short end of the stick
- Сленг: быть обиженным, быть обойденным, самое худшее, вина (за что-л.), ответственность, быть обманутым, самое нежелательное
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
short end of the stick — If someone gets the short end of the stick, they are unfairly treated or don t get what they deserve … The small dictionary of idiomes
short end of the stick — n. the burden, responsibility, blame, etc., for something. □ Here I am stuck with the short end of the stick again. □ I am the one who plans all this stuff, and when you jerks drop the ball, I’m left holding the short end of the stick … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
short end of the stick — If someone gets the short end of the stick, they are unfairly treated or don t get what they deserve. (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
short end of the stick — See the short end of the stick … English idioms
short end of the stick — unfair, unequal treatment He always gets the short end of the stick when he is at work … Idioms and examples
the short end of the stick — the worst job, the least pay, dump on When I work with Ken, I always get the short end of the stick. He gives me the hard jobs … English idioms
the short end of the stick — an outcome in which one has less advantage than others * * * the short end of the stick see ↑stick, 1 • • • Main Entry: ↑end the short end of the stick see ↑stick, 1 • • • … Useful english dictionary
get the short end of the stick — get the short end (of the stick) to feel that you are being treated particularly badly in comparison with other people. When the mayor cut our budget almost in half, I felt like we were getting the short end of the stick. I always feel like I m… … New idioms dictionary
get the short end of the stick — get the short end of the ˈstick idiom (NAmE) (BrE ˌdraw the short ˈstraw) to be the person in a group who is chosen or forced to perform an unpleasant duty or task Main entry: ↑shortidiom … Useful english dictionary
get the short end of the stick — American & Australian to suffer the bad effects of a situation. The people who get the short end of the stick are those whose income is just too high to qualify for help from the government … New idioms dictionary
short end of the stick — phrasal : unfair or unfavorable treatment : a disadvantageous position … Useful english dictionary